Legislative Branch

The U.S. Census and Redistricting

In accordance with Section 207 of the Baltimore County Charter, redistricting is conducted after each decennial census. The U.S. Constitution mandates a periodic census of all persons living in the country. The population is counted every 10 years, and the results are used to allocate Congressional seats, electoral votes, and government program funding. The census is performed by the United States Census Bureau. Based upon the 2020 census data, legislative bodies including the County Council, will redistrict in accordance with their jurisdictional requirements set by both State and local law.

Charter Section 207

The process for the revision of Council districts is governed by Section 207 of the Baltimore County Charter. In 2002, with the enactment of Bill 67-02, the Council revised Charter Section 207 to require a redistricting commission be established by March 1st of the year following each Census. The Commission must hold at least three public hearings and, by October 15 of the year it was formed, recommend to the Council legislation to revise, amend, or reconstitute the Council districts.

After the Commission has submitted its recommendations, the Council must hold at least one public hearing on the recommendations. Finally, the Council must adopt a final redistricting plan by January 31 of the year following the Commission’s appointment. The final plan must be adopted by an affirmative vote of a majority plus one of the total number of Council members and is not subject to a veto by the County Executive.

Redistricting Manual

In 2002, when the Council amended the County Charter to require a Redistricting Commission, the Council also implemented a policy requiring Council staff to draft a Redistricting Manual for each subsequent redistricting cycle. The Manual acts as a guide to the redistricting process and sets forth the governing policies. The 2025 Baltimore County Redistricting Manual is the third edition and has been revised for the 2025 redistricting process.

Public Input

There are several opportunities for public input throughout the redistricting process.

  • Each redistricting commission must hold at least three public hearings.
  • While each Redistricting Commission is active, the public may submit written testimony and feedback at any time by emailing the Commission at CouncilmanicRedistricting@baltimorecountymd.gov. Testimony and feedback will be disseminated to Commission members within one working day after receipt and will be posted on the Commission’s webpage.
  • The Council must hold a public hearing on the Commission recommendations before the introduction of redistricting legislation.
  • After introduction of redistricting legislation, the Council holds two work sessions to consider the legislation and take public testimony, per the Council’s normal process set forth in its Rules of Procedure.
  • At any time during the process, the public may submit written testimony and feedback concerning Redistricting may be sent directly to the County Council at countycouncil@baltimorecountymd.gov. Testimony and feedback received between the publication of the Commission’s recommendations and the introduction of redistricting legislation before the Council will be posted on the redistricting webpage.  Testimony and feedback received after introduction will be treated as written testimony on the redistricting legislation.

2021 Redistricting Process

Following the 2020 Census, the County Council established the 2021 Redistricting Commission. You can learn more about their work here.

2024 Council Expansion

In October, 2023, the County Council established the Baltimore County Council Structure Review Workgroup. The Council created this advisory body to conduct research and make recommendations on the size and structure of the Baltimore County Council and related matters. As part of its final report and recommendations, the Workgroup recommended that the Council expand from seven members to nine members, with all members being elected by district, starting with the 2026 election. More information on the Workgroup may be found here.

On July 1, 2024, the County Council enacted Bill 47-24 (Ex. A and Ex. B) which amended the County Charter to, among other things, expand the County Council from seven to nine members, each elected by district, beginning with the 2026 election. Written testimony related to Bill 47-24 may be found here. As required by law, a question regarding this charter amendment was placed on the 2024 general election ballot, which was approved by a majority of Baltimore County voters.

The Council Work Session recordings related to Bill 47-24 are below:

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 – Work Session

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 – Work Session

2025 Redistricting Commission

Please find information on the current Redistricting Commission here.