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Residential Permit Parking Program

Baltimore County's Division of Traffic Engineering (DTE) administers the Residential Permit Parking program, which can assist residents concerned with commuter vehicles parking within their community.

Apply for a Permit

  1. Read the Residential Permit Parking Policy

    This will give you more detailed information about the permit process.

  2. Review the required petition

    Fill out this petition to begin the process of applying for residential permit parking in your neighborhood.

  3. Submit petition

    Once the petition is received, traffic engineers will review and analyze the application and requested neighborhood.

Residential Permit Parking Policy

The intent of this program is to aid those areas where a heavy influx of nonresidents into the area constricts the available on-street parking spaces to the resident.

  1. Submit Petitions—Prior to the establishment of such a zone, DTE first requires that petitions be submitted. These petitions must clearly state
    1. The boundaries of the proposed area and must include only those areas that are zoned totally residential. Those areas submitted for the program must include a minimum of 10 homes
    2. That it is understood that those residents signing in approval of the program also agree to payment of the initial permit fee (currently $36/vehicle) and the annual renewal fee (currently $14/vehicle) should they decide to purchase one. Senior citizens do not have to pay for permits for vehicles they own.
    3. The petition must be signed by each resident in the proposed area, whether for or against the proposal.
    4. The resident's address and license tag numbers of all vehicles registered to that address. This information is needed for survey purposes.
  2. Studies Conducted to Determine Program Feasibility—Upon receipt of the petitions, this Department shall perform the necessary studies to determine the feasibility of such a program. Since this information must at times be retrieved from the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA), this process can be a rather lengthy one.
    1. The first criteria to be met shall be that 65 percent of the total number of residences involved must be in favor of the program.
    2. Secondly, an in-field investigation must conclude that during any given time of the day, 70 percent of the available, legal, on-street parking spaces must be utilized. At least 25 percent of those must be registered to nonresidents of the area.
  3. If Criteria Is Met, Public Meeting Held—Once this information is gathered and analyzed, the Department shall inform the neighborhood designee as to its findings. Should the area meet all criteria, arrangements will be made to hold a public meeting to discuss the results with the remaining residents of the area. Flyers will be delivered to all homes so that everyone involved may be informed as to the date, time and place of the meeting. It is at this time that the desirable parking restriction will be discussed. All areas previously posted with a "No Parking" restriction of any kind shall remain the same. Only those areas currently not posted are eligible for a time limitation. Previously posted areas have had a one or two-hour restriction for vehicles parked between the hours of 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. All vehicles, with the exception of those displaying a valid permit for the area, must abide these limitations. A permit holder is entitled to park in excess of the time limit without being in violation of the law. It should be noted that provisions have been made with regard to visitor permits. These, too, will be further explained at the public hearing. All non-permit holders must move their vehicle at the conclusion of the posted time restriction or face the possibility of a $52 fine.
  4. Recommendations Submitted to County Council for Final Approval—Following this meeting, this Department shall finalize its data and submit its recommendations to the County Council for their ultimate approval. All those attending the meeting shall be apprised of their final determination.
  5. If Approved, Signs Installed and Program Information Distributed—If approved, the necessary signs shall be installed. All residents shall receive an information packet detailing the program and also included will be the permit application forms.

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Contact Us

Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning

111 West Chesapeake Avenue
Room 326
Towson, Maryland 21204





Bureau Chief

Angelica Daniel