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Reserved Handicapped Parking Program

Baltimore County jointly administers a Reserved Handicap Parking program. This program is a Maryland MVA program.

Apply for a Reserved Parking Space

  1. Submit an application

    All applications must first be submitted to the Maryland MVA.

  2. MVA Approval

    Upon approval by the MVA, DTE is notified and reviews the application in accordance with Maryland state laws as well as the Baltimore County reserved handicap parking policy.

  3. Completion of Investigation

    Upon completion of an investigation, DTE will notify the applicant of the results of the investigation.

Baltimore County Reserved Handicap Parking Policy

  1. Application and Review of Permit—Applications shall be made to and reviewed by the Maryland MVA in accordance with Sections 21-1005(a) and (b) of the Maryland Vehicle Law and with Subtitle 16 (Vehicle Operations), COMAR 11.16.03, Amendments .01 and .02.
  2. Notification to Baltimore County—Should the MVA determine that the criteria specified above is met, it shall notify Baltimore County DTE to review the application for a reserved parking space and determine if it should be approved or denied, in accordance with Section 21-1005(l) of the Maryland Vehicle Law.
  3. Parking Space
    1. Definition: Off-Street Parking Area—An area located off of the public road system which is intended, designed or used for the purpose of parking a vehicle. Examples of such parking areas would include, but not be limited to, a parking pad, driveway, concrete ribbons, garage, or an area treated by a soil stabilization method.
    2. A reserved on-street parking space will not be authorized for any applicant whose property has a self-contained, off-street parking area or where off-street parking is provided to the applicant by private sources. This item shall apply to all properties regardless of the time they were built or subdivided. (The property shall be considered to have an available off-street parking area if the aforementioned area existed at the time that the applicant purchased or moved into the property or if it was made available at any subsequent time. If a parking pad, driveway, concrete ribbons, garage, soil stabilized area, etc., was removed or made inaccessible at any time after the applicant purchased or moved into the property, the parking area shall still be considered to exist for purposes of this policy.)
    3. The property shall be evaluated on whether the off-street parking area exists, not on whether an off-street parking area is available for use. In addition, the placement of any non-permanent objects on top of a parking area (e.g., boats, campers, trailers, above-ground pools, sheds, etc.) will not in any way alter the recognition that the parking area does in fact exist.
    4. A reserved parking space will not be authorized for any applicant where parking is prohibited on the roadway adjacent to the applicant’s property.
    5. All reserved parking spaces on roadways that have restrictions prohibiting parking at certain times will also be restricted from any parking during the prohibited times.
    6. A reserved parking space will not be approved on any privately maintained roadway or parking area.
    7. The DTE may grant an exception to the condition in paragraph b above if the applicant has a physical disability that limits mobility/requires the use of a wheelchair, scooter, walker, crutches, etc., and that same applicant has constructed a ramp from the house to the street to provide for their mobility. The on-street space must be more accessible than any off-street space that exists on the applicant’s property. The DTE may consider the granting of an exception to the condition in paragraph b above where extremely unique circumstances and hardships exist due to physical characteristics of the property and the applicant’s disability. Additional medical certification may be required to provide sufficient documentation of physical limitations caused by the disability.
    8. The reserved parking space will be located as near the front, side or edge of the applicant’s property line as possible, giving recognition of adjacent property lines and adjacent property owners’ parking needs.
    9. A reserved parallel parking space will be no longer that 22 feet in length, except where necessary to provide for a specially equipped vehicle. A reserved perpendicular parking space will be no wider than 9 feet, except where necessary to provide for a specially equipped vehicle or when the applicant uses an assistive device.
    10. The applicant or their representative shall notify the MVA within 10 days after the reserved space is no longer needed.
  4. Installation of Signs—If a reserved parking space is approved, signs will be installed by Baltimore County, 12 inches by 18 inches, red on white, stating “Reserved Parking-By Permit Only” with a wheelchair symbol, designating the space as established by a traffic regulation. Such signs will not be erected without approval of both the MVA and the DTE.
  5. Issuance and Display of Permits—The issuance and display of the permit shall conform to Section 21-1005(d) of the Maryland Vehicle Law and with Subtitle 16 (Vehicle Operations), COMAR 11.16.03, Amendments .03 and .04.
  6. Revocation of Parking Permit and Reserved Parking Space—The MVA can revoke the permit and space as allowed for under Sections 21-1005(b)(2) and (g) of the Maryland Vehicle Law and under Subtitle 16 (Vehicle Operations), COMAR 11.16.03, Amendment .08. This would include the ability to revoke them due to fraud or misrepresentation as outlined under Section 21-1005(e) and (f). Anyone aggrieved by a decision or order of the MVA under Section 21-1005 may appeal the decision or order as provided under Section 12-209 of the same Article.
  7. Removal of the Reserved Parking Space—Upon notification by the MVA, the DTE will order the removal of the signs designating the space. Notification from the MVA could be due to the disabled person moving from their residence or due to item 6 above.
  8. Appeal of Denial of Reserved Parking Space—Any applicant who is aggrieved by a decision of Baltimore County DTE under item 3b only may appeal that decision to the Baltimore County Board of Appeals as provided for under Article VI of the Baltimore County Charter and Sections 1-7 and 2-355 of the Baltimore County Code. The Board of Appeals may overturn the County’s denial if all the following conditions are found to exist:
    1. The applicant/their household has taken all reasonable measures to make the off-street parking area usable and available to the disabled applicant.
    2. The disability of the applicant is of such a severe degree that an extreme hardship would exist if the applicant were to use the available off-street parking.
    3. The approval of a reserved on-street space is determined to be one of medical necessity and not one of mere convenience for the applicant.
    4. The hardships placed on the applicant’s neighbors by reserving an exclusive on-street space for the applicant is outweighed by the hardship that would be placed on the applicant if the space were not approved.
  9. Zoning Violations—If the applicant’s property is required to have off-street parking to be in compliance with applicable zoning regulations (subdivisions approved after March 29, 1955), and the property lacks such off-street parking, a reserved space will not be authorized for the applicant. Exceptions can be made by the DTE if it determines that the original developer was the one who failed to install the off-street parking space (and thus the County failed to take action on the original violation) or if it is determined that the physical layout of the property (lot lines, grades, etc.) would make it practically impossible to construct any off-street parking on the property. Such determinations will be based on various factors including, but not limited to, comparing the applicant’s property with all other properties within the same subdivision. Removal of a parking space on such a property by the applicant or any previous owner of the applicant’s dwelling would constitute a zoning violation and would cause a denial of a reserved on-street parking space. If the applicant wants to appeal the DTE’s determination of a zoning violation, they may do so through the Baltimore County Bureau of Code Enforcement.
    1. If it is determined that a zoning violation does exist, the property owner can be cited with a zoning violation and be forced to install the required parking area or face appropriate fines/hearings before the Zoning Commissioner.
    2. If it is determined that a zoning violation does not exist, the DTE will proceed with establishing a reserved on-street parking space. Zoning violation denials (as described above) may be waived for properties whose owners can demonstrate a household income (based on income limits established for federal programs) that does not exceed 50 percent of the Baltimore Metropolitan Area Median Family Income (as revised).

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Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning

111 West Chesapeake Avenue
Room 326
Towson, Maryland 21204





Bureau Chief

Angelica Daniel