Title: Airsoft Custom Colt M4, Airsoft Glock 17 Gen 5, Spare Glock Airsoft Mags RFQ Bid Tab No: Q-10000258 Bid Tab (PDF) Bid Opening Date and Time: 05/22/24, 2:15 p.m. Buyer: Taylor Curry, 410-887-0450, tcurry@baltimorecountymd.gov Title: Concrete Mix Delivered, Term Contract RFB Bid Tab No: B-10000243 Bid Tab (PDF) Bid Opening Date and Time: 05/03/24, 3 p.m. Buyer: Brian Mohney, 410-887-3243, bmohney@baltimorecountymd.gov Title: Container, Material Handling, Flexcon, As Specified RFB Bid Tab No: B-10000230 Bid Tab (PDF) Bid Opening Date and Time: 04/11/24, 2:15 p.m. Buyer: Tom Acree, 410-887-2265, tacree@baltimorecountymd.gov Title: Death Audit For Retirement System RFQ Bid Tab No: Q-10000218 Bid Tab (PDF) Bid Opening Date and Time: 05/23/24, 3 p.m. Buyer: Jason Hartline, 410-887-2495, jhartline@baltimorecountymd.gov Title: Dumpster, Rear Load, 2 Yard Slope Style Dura Kan or Approved Equal RFB Bid Tab No: B-10000244 Bid Tab (PDF) Bid Opening Date and Time: 05/1/24, 2:15 p.m. Buyer: Scott Mitcherling, smitcherling@baltimorecountymd.gov Title: Filter Maintenance And Rebedding, Phoenix Water Treatment Plant RFB Bid Tab No: B-10000246 Bid Tab (PDF) Bid Opening Date and Time: 05/20/24, 3 p.m. Buyer: Patrick Knowles, 410-887-0828, pknowles@baltimorecountymd.gov Title: Glass Beads For Reflective Road Marking, Term Agreement RFB Bid Tab No: B-10000227 Bid Tab (PDF) Bid Opening Date and Time: 04/12/24, 2:15 p.m. Buyer: Jason Hartline, 410-887-2495, jhartline@baltimorecountymd.gov Title: Industrial Hygienist Services, Isolation Units, Baltimore County Department of Corrections RFQ Bid Tab No: Q-10000207 Bid Tab (PDF) Bid Opening Date and Time: 05/17/24, 3 p.m. Buyer: Taylor Curry, 410-887-0450, tcurry@baltimorecountymd.gov Title: Overhead Door Services RFB Bid Tab No: B-10000215 Bid Tab (PDF) Bid Opening Date and Time: 04/08/24, 3 p.m. Buyer: Brian Mohney, 410-887-3243, bmohney@baltimorecountymd.gov Title: Parts, Snow Plow, Boss & Western, No Substitute RFB Bid Tab No: B-10000228 Bid Tab (PDF) Bid Opening Date and Time: 05/03/24, 3:15 p.m. Buyer: Brian Mohney, 410-887-3243, bmohney@baltimorecountymd.gov Title: Pet Scanning Microchips RFB Bid Tab No: B-10000253 Bid Tab (PDF) Bid Opening Date and Time: 05/21/24, 2 15 p.m. Buyer: Nneka Miller, 410-887-3487, nmiller@baltimorecountymd.gov Title: Pneumatically Applied Concrete, On-Call, Term Contract RFB Bid Tab No: B-10000226 Bid Tab (PDF) Bid Opening Date and Time: 04/05/24, 2:15 p.m. Buyer: Jason Hartline, 410-887-2495, jhartline@baltimorecountymd.gov Title: Printing, Newsletters, Brochures, And Publications, Senior Centers And Community Services RFP Bid Tab No: P-10000239 Bid Tab (PDF) Bid Opening Date and Time: 05/10/24, 3 p.m. Buyer: Alisha Dennis, 410-887-6480, adennis@baltimorecountymd.gov Title: Real Estate Appraisal Services RFB Bid Tab No: B-10000241 Bid Tab (PDF) Bid Opening Date and Time: 05/13/24, 2:30 p.m. Buyer: Kristi Schley, 410-887-7453, kschley@baltimorecountymd.gov Title: Trijicon OASYS SkeetIR™ x Micro Thermal Monocular, As Specified, No Substitutions RFB Bid Tab No: B-10000250 Bid Tab (PDF) Bid Opening Date and Time: 05/10/24, 2:30 p.m. Buyer: Christine Carpenter, 410-887-3361, ccarpenter@baltimorecountymd.gov Title: Uniforms, Tactical, Police, Corrections RFB Bid Tab No: B-10000237 Bid Tab (PDF) Bid Opening Date and Time: 05/10/24, 3 p.m. Buyer: Taylor Curry, 410-887-0450, tcurry@baltimorecountymd.gov Title: Vehicle Fire Suppression Systems, Inspection, Maintenance, And Repair RFB Bid Tab No: B-10000220 Bid Tab (PDF) Bid Opening Date and Time: 05/06/24, 2:30 p.m. Buyer: Kristi Schley, 410-887-7453, kschley@baltimorecountymd.gov |