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Francis Scott Key Bridge Incident Updates

Privacy Policy and Security Notice

Baltimore County is committed to protecting your privacy in your electronic communications with us. During your visit to our site, we will collect information from you. This policy describes the information collected and how it is used.

The type of information we collect depends upon the application used and the products or services requested. Our site includes links to other sites not controlled by Baltimore County. This policy does not apply to those sites. Baltimore County reserves the right to change this policy at any time without prior notice.

Anonymous Visitor Information

We collect anonymous visitor information such as Internet protocol address, browser type, operating system, the date and time of visit, and the addresses to which a visitor links during a visit to our website. We do not associate this information with any individual person or entity and only use the information to improve our website and navigation thereon.

Usage of Cookies

The Baltimore County website uses session cookies—sesessionid and sesessioncode—whenever you visit the site. We use these cookies, which are small text files, and others to improve the performance of online applications and, in some applications, to pass necessary information from one screen to the next. 

None of these cookies contain personally identifiable information. Should we use cookies that retain your personal information, we will identify the applications and Web pages that do so.

If you seek to avoid the use of cookies, you should not use any application or Web page that uses cookies.

Disclosure of Information

This privacy policy and use of this site is governed by the laws of the State of Maryland. We do not sell or rent your information to any outside company or organization. We do not provide your personally identifiable data to unaffiliated third parties for their independent use, except if required to do so by law.

Information provided to any state or local government entity is subject to the Public Information Act, Title 4, of the General Provisions Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. Information about the Maryland Public Information Act is available from the Office of the Attorney General.

Security Procedures

We are committed to using any information you provide to us in a responsible manner. All information you provide is only accessible by a limited number of Baltimore County agents and employees who need access to the information to perform their assigned duties. Where appropriate, we will also use encryption technology. As you use our applications or Web pages, we will inform you if the information will be encrypted.

How to Contact the County

Baltimore County welcomes your comments or questions regarding this policy. You may contact us at