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A Baltimore County Landmark or a Baltimore County Historic District (BCHD) is a local historic designation created by the Baltimore County Zoning Code. It recognizes historic properties, sites, buildings, structures, objects, or areas for their significance in Baltimore County and or American history, archaeology, architecture, engineering or culture, and identifies them as worthy of preservation.

Landmarks List

View properties listed on the Preliminary and Final Landmarks List or view the landmarks booklet.

Landmarks designated after April 26, 2006, have a delineated Historic Environmental Setting (HES), delineated by the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC). An HES means the property or lot, or portion of, is historically, architecturally, archeologically or culturally connected to the historic significance of a landmark structure. An HES provides protections to the immediate site around the Landmarked structure, meaning any exterior modification or addition, as well as any site modifications (e.g. fences, pools, driveways, grading, sheds) is subject to approval by the LPC. Landmarks designated before April 26, 2006, have no delineated HES, therefore, the LPC only has purview over exterior alterations to the structure.

Baltimore County Historic Districts

View a list of Baltimore County's 17 local Historic Districts.

About the Nomination Process

A site, structure, building or area should be surveyed in the Maryland Inventory of Historic Properties and have sufficient integrity of location, design, materials, workmanship and meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Association with a person, group of people, an event or a series of events
  • An example of an architectural style, period or type of construction
  • Work of a noted architect or master builder or is a work of notable artistic merit; or represent a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction
  • Yields information or materials import in prehistory or history

Single Property Nominations

Please note that there are some differences between nominating a single property versus an area as a district. Contact staff for information regarding the creation of a BCHD. The below information is for single property nominations only.

The entire designation process has three main stages. The LPC, in conjunction with staff, primarily are associated with the first two stages. The County Council is involved during the third and final stage. The timeline for the entire designation process, from Stage 1 to Stage 3, varies from one nomination to another. The entire process could take several months or years to complete. In addition, submitting a nomination does not guarantee that the structure will be added to the Final Landmarks List.

A preliminary meeting with Historic Preservation Staff is highly recommended before starting the designation process. Staff will be able to advise interested parties on the eligibility of a structure prior to submitting a nomination.

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Historic Preservation

Jefferson Building, Suite 101
105 West Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204




Caitlin Merritt


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