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Baltimore County Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Policy Statement; Employee Awareness Program; Employee Advisory Council; and Community Advisory Council

Whereas, Baltimore County has 847,000 residents—the third largest population in Maryland; and

Whereas, Baltimore County recognizes that diversity is one of the county’s greatest strengths; and

Whereas, it is imperative for county government to demonstrate a core commitment to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion practices that give voice to and strengthen all populations and communities; and

Whereas, nearly 30 percent of the County’s population is African American, 100,000 residents are foreign-born, and students in the County’s school system speak 97 different languages; and

Whereas, nine percent of the County’s households live below the federal poverty line, and 29 percent fall under the Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed, or ALICE, threshold; and

Whereas, the veteran population density in the County is between four and six percent of Maryland’s total veteran population; and
Whereas, 17 percent of County residents are persons over the age of 65; and

Whereas, more than seven percent of county residents, under the age of 65, are living with a disability; and

Whereas, four percent of the adult population in Maryland identifies as LGBT; and

Whereas, Baltimore County is home to over 4,000 immigrant entrepreneurs who contribute to the small business economy; and

Whereas, Baltimore County government is an economic engine for the region, employing more than 8,000 employees and spending approximately $3.6 billion annually in operating expenses; and

Whereas, it is critically important that all county employment, procurement and operational activities foster equitable outcomes for all individuals, populations and communities, particularly those that have been traditionally underserved; and

Whereas, it is important for every county employee to understand their professional obligation to promulgate polices, provide services and make decisions through an equity lens whenever possible; and

Whereas, it is the goal of this Administration to ensure that all county resources, opportunities and services are administered in an equitable manner, that values diversity and inclusion for all county employees, residents, visitors and stakeholders; and

Whereas, it is the goal of this Administration to ensure that every county employee is aware of Baltimore County’s policy statement on diversity, equity and inclusion; and

Whereas, it is the goal of this Administration to provide employees with the opportunity to take on an active roles in fostering an enterprise-wide culture that acknowledges, values and celebrates diversity, equity and inclusion; and

Whereas, it is the goal of this Administration to provide diverse groups of county residents with the opportunity to provide advocacy and counsel to county leadership on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion;

Now, therefore, it is this 10th day of December, 2019, by the County Executive of Baltimore County, Maryland ordered that the Administration shall pursue and implement, the following with regard to diversity, equity and inclusion:

Section I. Policy Statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Baltimore County government shall advance fair policies and practices by making decisions, providing opportunities and allocating resources and services through a diversity, equity and inclusion lens that ensures engagement, growth and prosperity for all county employees, residents, visitors and stakeholders.

Section II. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Employee Awareness Program

A.  Purpose.

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness Program is intended to ensure that every Baltimore County employee is aware of the county’s policy statement regarding diversity, equity and inclusion, while also providing general awareness education.

B. Program Components.

  1. Every current county employee shall annually be provided with a copy of the Baltimore County Policy Statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
  2. Every current county employee shall annually provide a signed acknowledgement of the Baltimore County Policy Statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
  3. All of the county’s new employee orientation sessions shall include a presentation that minimally addresses the following topics:
    1. Review and signed acknowledgement of the Baltimore County Policy Statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
    2. Applying an equity lens to policies, practices and decision-making.
    3. Introduction to cultural competency.
  4. The county may institute additional diversity, equity and inclusion training for all county employees as deemed necessary.

Section III. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Employee Advisory Council.

A. Purpose.

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Employee Advisory Council (hereinafter, “The Employee Council”) shall advocate for, engage in and respond to issues, concerns and needs of the workforce as it relates to diversity, equity and inclusion across government. The Employee Council’s responsibilities shall include:

  1. Providing advisement to, and working collaboratively with, the Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer on specific workforce diversity, equity and inclusion issues, to include: employee training, customer service delivery, public policy analysis and impacts, workplace accommodations and other relevant topics.
  2. Assisting in the planning of workplace initiatives and/or events designed to foster a culture that acknowledges, advances and celebrates diversity, equity and inclusion across the enterprise.

B.  Membership.

The Employee Council shall consist of at least 12 and not more than 20 voting members. The voting members shall consist of current Baltimore County employees, drawn from a cross-section of professional classifications, departments and agencies. The Employee Council will seek to maintain diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation/identity, national origin, religion, physical/mental ability and other relevant classifications.

C. Terms.

Each voting member will be appointed by the Baltimore County Executive for a term of one year. An appointed member may be re-appointed for not more than three consecutive one-year terms.

D. Chair.

The Chair of the Employee Council shall be the Baltimore County Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer. The Chair shall have one vote, equal to that of each voting member of the Employee Council.

E. Meetings.
The Employee Council shall meet at the request of the Chair as frequently as required to perform its duties, but not less than quarterly.

F. Quorum.

A majority of voting members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and an affirmative vote of the majority of those present at any meeting shall be sufficient for any official action.

Section IV.  Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Community Advisory Council.

A. Purpose.

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Community Advisory Council (hereinafter, “The Community Council”) shall advocate for, engage in and respond to issues, concerns and needs of county residents as it relates to diversity, equity and inclusion. The Community Council’s responsibilities shall include:

  1. Providing advisement to, and working collaboratively with, the Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer on specific community diversity, equity and inclusion issues, to include: community education and awareness; equitable access to government opportunities, resources and services; public policy analysis and impacts; public accommodations; and other relevant topics.
  2. Assisting in the planning of community initiatives and/or events designed to foster a culture that acknowledges, advances and celebrates diversity, equity and inclusion county-wide.

B.  Membership.

The Community Council shall consist of at least 7 and not more than 14 voting members. Each County Council member shall appoint one representative from each of their respective council districts. The County Executive shall also appoint up to 7 additional members, serving at-large. The Community Council will seek to maintain diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation/identity, national origin, religion, physical/mental ability and other relevant classifications.

C. Terms.

Each voting member will be appointed by the Baltimore County Executive for a term of two years. An appointed member may not serve more than two consecutive two-year terms.

D. Chair.

The Chair of the Community Council shall be elected to a one year term by the voting membership. The Chair shall have one vote, equal to that of each voting member of the Community Council.

E. Meetings.

The Community Council shall meet at the request of the Chair as frequently as required to perform its duties, but not less than quarterly.

F. Quorum.

A majority of voting members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and an affirmative vote of the majority of those present at any meeting shall be sufficient for any official action.

Section V. Staff Assistance.

Staff assistance shall be provided by the Office of Human Resources and the Baltimore County Executive’s Office.

Section VI. Effective Date.

This Executive Order shall take effect immediately according to its terms.

Contact Us

Office of the County Executive

400 Washington Avenue
Mezzanine Level
Towson, Maryland 21204


Monday through Friday
9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.




County Executive

John A. Olszewski, Jr.