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Francis Scott Key Bridge Incident Updates

Healing Starts Here

The purpose of this campaign is to educate Baltimore County residents, community partners, and other stakeholders on the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine. We also aim to engage our audiences in fact-based conversations that encourage eligible individuals to get vaccinated when supplies are available.

This social media toolkit contains information and resources designed for you to use to help promote the Healing Starts Here COVID-19 Vaccine campaign message on your social media accounts. It includes sample messaging for posts, suggested actions, downloadable graphics and hashtags for use on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

How to Use This Toolkit

  1. Share Messages on Social Media

    Copy and paste, or adapt this messaging and share it directly with your audiences via social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.), email marketing, and other appropriate communications tools.

  2. Use Hashtags

    Use the hashtags #HealingStartsHere and #CancelCovid on social media to share your positive experiences with getting vaccinated and encourage your neighbors or partners to follow suit. 

  3. Follow Baltimore County

    Follow Baltimore County Government and the Baltimore County Department of Health and Human Services on social media and share updates about the pandemic.

  4. Subscribe to Our Newsletter

    Subscribe to the Baltimore County Government County Connect e-newsletter to receive COVID-19-related updates directly in your inbox.


Sample Social Media Content

These messages can be shared with your social media communities on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Tip: Include an image or personal video with your posts. Audiences are more likely to see and engage with content that has a visual element. Browse our campaign graphics.



Use the following hashtags to add your opinions and experiences to this larger conversations surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine. #CancelCovid and #HealingStartsHere are tracked by this campaign, using the others will help you to engage with other people who have similar interest in this topic. Consider using them all—you never know who you may inspire.

  • #CancelCovid
  • #HealingStartsHere
  • #CovidVaccine
  • #ImVaccinated
  • #IGotVaccinated
  • #VaccinesSaveLives
  • #VaccinesWork
  • #TheTruthAboutCovid
  • #CovidTruths
  • #CovidMyths
  • #LifeInAPandemic

Facebook Profile Picture FrameExample image of #CancelCovid Facebook profile picture frame.

Show your support for the COVID-19 vaccine by adding a frame to your Facebook profile picture.

From your Facebook profile, click the gray camera icon at the bottom right of your profile picture.

  1. Select “Add Frame.”
  2. Search “BaltCo COVID-19 Vaccine.”
  3. Choose the #CancelCovid profile frame.
  4. Click “Use as Profile Picture.”

Visual Assets for Social Media Use

The images below are thumbnails of larger images with optimal dimensions for their specific social media platforms. Images are available in both English and Spanish.

Be sure to expand the image thumbnails before downloading. To download or save an image, first select the thumbnail and the image will expand to its true, downloadable size.

  • If you are using a smart phone: Press and hold the image and save to your image gallery or specified file folder. 
  • If you are using a desktop PC or laptop: Right-click and select "Save As" to save the image to your specified file location. 







Additional Resources

Explore COVID-19 Information


Contact Us

COVID-19 Hotline

Residents can call with questions or concerns regarding COVID-19.


Hotline Hours

Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Follow for Updates


Baltimore County Government
Follow @BaltCoGov

Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski
Follow @BaltCoExec

Baltimore County Public Schools
Follow @BaltCoPS

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Follow @CDCgov

Maryland Department of Health
Follow @MDHealthDept