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Approved Bills - 2015 Session

The following links are PDF files and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them.

Bill 1-15    CEB - Community Base Programs to Test and Cure Hepatitis C

Bill 2-15    Baltimore County Animal Services Advisory Commission

Bill 3-15    Retirement System - Line of Duty Death Benefit

Bill 4-15    2014-2015 Capital Budget  

Bill 5-15    CEB - Rural Public Transportation

Bill 6-15    Zoning Regulations - Conservation Burial Ground

Bill 9-15    Stormwater Management Fee - Rates for Fiscal Year 2016

Bill 10-15    The 2014-2015 Capital Budget

Bill 11-15    Employees Retirement System Board of Trustees

Bill 12-15    County Charter-Charter Review Commission

Bill 13-15    Distribution of Tobacco Products to Minors

Bill 14-15    Medical Clinic

Bill 16-15    Transit Oriented Development in the Owings Mills C.T. District

Bill 18-15    CEB - Best Available Technology for OSDS Administration Fund

Bill 19-15    Zoning Regulations - Nanobrewery

Bill 20-15    Depositing Materials in Streets - Penalties

Bill 23-15    CEB - MIEMSS AED Matching Grant

Bill 24-15    CEB - SAFER Grant Award

Bill 25-15    Baltimore County Zoning Regulations - Signs

Bill 26-15    R.C.2 (Agricultural) Zone Use Regulations

Bill 27-15    Mobile Homes

Bill 28-15    Basic Services Maps

Bill 29-15    Final Historical Landmarks

Bill 30-15    CEB - Courthouse Security Grant

Bill 31-15    CEB - Baltimore County Elevation Project - MEMA

Bill 32-15    Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance of Baltimore County

Bill 33-15    Personnel Law of Baltimore County

Bill 34-15    Property Tax

Bill 35-15    Zoning Regulations - Scrap Metal Processing Facility

Bill 36-15    Signs - Identification, Wall-Mounted

Bill 37-15    Health Care and Surgery Center and Related Uses

Bill 38-15    Hucksters and Peddlers

Bill 39-15    Compensation - Board of Appeals

Bill 40-15    The Building Code of Baltimore County

Bill 41-15    The Plumbing and Gasfitting Code of Baltimore County

Bill 42-15    Flood Insurance Rate Maps - Conforming Legislation

Bill 43-15    CEB - Department of Public Works - General Fund - Storm Emergencies Program

Bill 44-15    CEB - Turner Station Strategic Demolition Grant

Bill 45-15    CEB - Infants and Toddlers Program

Bill 46-15    Honeygo Area Revisions  (Attached Map)

Bill 47-15    CEB - Security Equipment Enhancement Program

Bill 48-15    M.L. Zone

Bill 49-15    Zoning Regulations - Parking

Bill 50-15    Zoning Regulations - Conservation Burial Ground

Bill 51-15    Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Maps

Bill 52-15    Distribution of Tobacco Products to Minors - Revisions

Bill 53-15    Zoning Regulations - Regional Outlet Shopping Center

Bill 55-15    Self Insurance Fund - Local Government Tort Claims Act Amendment

Bill 56-15    2015-2016 Capital Budget - Library Capital Maintenance & Renovation State Funds

Bill 57-15    CEB - Ebola Supplemental Funding

Bill 59-15    County Parks - Authority of Director

Bill 60-15    Energy Conservation Devices

Bill 61-15    Zoning Regulations - Medical Cannabis

Bill 62-15    Arts & Sciences Grants

Bill 63-15    Modification of Residential Solar Energy System Requirements

Bill 64-15    Microbrewery and Farm Brewery

Bill 66-15    Neighborhood Commons Overlay District

Bill 67-15    Zoning Regulations - Parking

Bill 68-15    Zoning Regulations - Manufacturing, Light (M.L.) Zone Use Regulations

Bill 69-15    Zoning Regulations - Manufacturing Light Zone

Bill 70-15    2015 - 2016 Capital Budget - Southland Hills Mini Park

Bill 71-15    CEB - Partner Services

Bill 72-15    CEB - Linkage to Care Re-engagement to Care Program

Bill 73-15    CEB - Tobacco Enforcement Initiative to Support Synar Compliance

Bill 74-15    CEB - Ryan White HIV Case Management Program

Bill 75-15    CEB - MIECHV Enhanced Healthy Families

Bill 76-15    CEB - Breastfeeding Peer Counselor WIC Supplementation Grant

Bill 77-15    Baltimore County Code - Code Revision - First Enactment

Bill 78-15    Recreational Space - Reports

Bill 79-15    Basic Services Maps

Bill 80-15    Public Swimming Pools and Bathing Beaches

Bill 82-15    Fireworks

Bill 83-15    Medical Cannabis

Bill 84-15    Recreational Space Fees

Bill 85-15   Stormwater Management Fee

Bill 86-15   Manufacturing, Heavy (M.H.) Zone Use Regulations

Bill 87-15    Employees Retirement System-Heroes Earnings Assistance & Tax Relief Act (HEART)

Bill 88-15    CEB - Eastside Spay and Neuter Program

Bill 89-15    Personnel Law of Baltimore County

Bill 90-15    Social Host - Unruly Social Gatherings - Pilot Program

Bill 92-15    Honeygo Area - Panhandle Lots

Revised January 20, 2016

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