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Francis Scott Key Bridge Incident Updates

Storm Drains Design

Our responsibilities are the design and the review of storm drainage systems for the proper conveyance of storm water from County roads and through County property. Additionally, we are tasked with monitoring compliance and implementing the provisions of Maryland General Permit Number 12-SW, General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater Associated With Industrial Activity. For public information concerning the permit facts as they relate to Baltimore County, review NPDES Annual Report, Section 7—Property Management and Maintenance.

Flood Proofing Grant Program

The Storm Drains Design division also administers the Flood Proofing Grant program. In certain circumstances, the County may determine that residential floodproofing is the most impactful and most economical option in addressing a flooding problem. Such instances are determined on a case-by-case basis and are the outcome of a thorough review of the drainage conditions on the property in discussion. The affected parties are consequently invited to apply for the Flood Proofing Grant by reviewing the documents below:

Orange Versus Black Inlet Grates 

The newly-installed inlet grates are commonly used throughout the country and have proved to be most effective. They are made of cast iron and designed to take advantage of the naturally-occurring oxidation process, or rust, that occurs to iron ore. The bright orange rust proceeds at a variable rate, developing a thin patina, which preserves the grate from corrosion. This coloration is temporary and after time will change to black. Gray iron has a high silicon content and tends to inhibit further oxidation and provide a relatively high degree of corrosion-resistance over time. Note that grates that have been in the ground for some time are no longer orange, but black.

Contact Information 

Learn who to contact regarding the following storm drain-related issues.

IssueContact Information
  • General Information
  • Flooding Unrelated to Maintenance

Storm Drain Design
Phone: 410-887-3711 

Floodplain BoundariesBureau of Engineering
Phone: 410-887-3117
Status/Updates on Storm Drain Projects
  • Stream Flow
  • Clogged Street Inlet
  • Runoff from County Road

Bureau of Highways
Phone: 410-887-3560

Stream/Bank Erosion

Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability
Phone: 410-887-3733

Note: Baltimore County is not permitted by the County Code to make improvements to private property. View a fact sheet with advice for implementing a solution or hiring a private contractor.

Additional Resources

For public information concerning the permit facts as they relate to Baltimore County, review the latest version of the NPDES Annual Report, Section 7—Property Management and Maintenance.

Explore Engineering and Construction


Contact Us

Storm Drains

111 West Chesapeake Avenue
Room 200
Towson, Maryland 21204


Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.




Sheldon Epstein, P.E.


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