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Francis Scott Key Bridge Incident Updates

Online Classes

OPAL Center LogoWe are excited to open our 21st senior center, the Online Programs for Adult Learning (OPAL) Center. A virtual senior center, OPAL combines all the wonderful hybrid classes and online programs offered by our senior centers along with a variety of upcoming programs offered directly through OPAL and with our community partners. Membership in OPAL is open to those 50 years and older. 

Sign Up to Participate in OPAL Programs

To participate in OPAL's programs fill out the form below and we will add you to BC- PASS. You'll receive an email confirming your registration with instructions on how to access our online programs and classes. If you have any questions you can contact or call Joey Rolandelli at 410-887-1929.

Once you have access to MyActiveCenter, watch the video to learn how to create an account, search for OPAL programs and sign up for them.

Read the user terms below before registering for the program.

User Terms and Conditions

Photograph and Video

I hereby voluntarily agree to participate in programs offered or sponsored by the Baltimore County Department of Aging and/or the senior center council. I understand and grant the Baltimore County Department of Aging and/or the senior center council the right to distribute, transmit, publish, copy or otherwise make use of, either in whole or in part, either digitally or in any other medium known or later discovered, the photographs/video to be taken. I understand and agree that the photographs/video may be used without identifying me as their subject.

I, for myself, my personal representatives, assigns, heirs and next of kin, hereby release, discharge, covenant not to sue, and agree to indemnify and save and hold harmless the Baltimore County Government, the Baltimore County Department of Aging, employees, representatives, and assignees and/or the Senior Center Council, their officers, agents, servants and employees from liability arising from any claim or cause of action, now known or later discovered, for among other things, invasion of privacy, right of publicity and defamation arising from the use of the photographs/video.


BCDA has partnered with GetSetUp to provide the County's older adults with a wide array of free classes and programs, just use the coupon code: Baltimore. GetSetUp includes:

  • 350 classes—topics include exercise, cooking, as well as courses to learn new skills
  • Brain games
  • Opportunities to make new friends
  • Technology classes to teach you more about using devices, cloud services, Zoom and Google documents
  • Expert speakers on a variety of topics

Create an account to get started with the new member orientation and a tour of the website and class offerings. You can view the class schedule up to two weeks in advance. If you frequently participate in the Baltimore County Department of Aging's online programs, you will be amazed at the additional programs you now have access to.

Listen to our podcast created by our On the Air class. It's an old time radio show. Enjoy!

Upcoming Programs and Classes

View a listing of OPAL programs below or browse the calendar for additional dates.

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